Saturday, December 13, 2008

Let's be FRANK!!

Tis the season for , "FRANK!" Code word for Santa Claus.  
Keith's oldest brother had a Santa outfit and for years was Santa at the Gines family Christmas party.  Well, he got tired of it and so Keith would borrow his suit and play the part.  About 3 years ago, Keith bought his own, new and improved Santa suit.  Since then, December has been filled with Santa sightings. We do family parties and ward parties and every year we do more. (I say we, because I am Santa's helper/dresser.  No, I do not dress up.) This year we  added Adam's and Kelli's wards. More people are finding out and asking Keith to join their party.  Today, for the 2nd year, he was Santa at Walgrens in Clinton where Darin works.  He had lines of people waiting today and had a fun time.  The only drawback is that Santa, well, sweats under the large amount of clothing that he wears. YUCK,
One of the most fun things we have done is to randomly show up Christmas Eve at homes with little kids in our ward.  Now, that's a shocker, but they love it.
He's a fun Santa, but now I worry about the grandkids recognizing his voice.  He tries to change it to fool them.  5 gigs down and 5 to go.