He's a lovely picture of Keith's eye after it had been irrigated and cleaned. He has to have antibiotic eye drops and Pain meds. The yellow stuff is what they put on him in the Dr.'s office. He can't stand bright lights and it is burned.
Well, back at home, the cleaning was going pretty good. I figured out a system where I could rinse out the bleach and get all the rocks out and then rinse and rinse again. I got to the last drum and my last rinse when the power washer slipped out of the hole and the end of the wand was 1 inch away from my gloved thumb and sprayed my thumb. You would think no big deal right? WRONG! Pain as I have never experienced it before went shooting down my thumb. Blood was coming out through the glove. I ran into the house grabbed paper towels, changed clothes and drove myself to InstaCare. Now, I've cut myself a ton in my life, but nothing like this. I've even cut through my tendon in the same thumb. NOTHING like this. By the time I got there, I was shaking and starting to go into shock. As the receptionist was taking my information, out walks Keith and Trav. So, Back Travis goes with his other parent to get helped. Keith sat in the waiting room. He felt like he was going to faint. Now, Travis says I was Hysterical. I say I was in more pain than I ever remember being in and I was being rather brave. I did cry harder when the Doctor gave me shots to deaden my thumb. She said she had never seen anything like this before and there was a lot of soft tissue damage. I got 4 stitches. the cut runs from the middle in the front of my thumb to the back. I got x-rayed and found out I also have air in the thumb and may need to see a hand specialist. I also have pain meds and antibiotics. So, I'm typing this before the numbness wears off. Another ugly picture. Notice also the bruise on my cheek. That came from the dentist on Monday and is 5 days old. Believe me, it was worse.
Yep, Keith and I are going to be fun to be around. Someday this will be a REALLY funny story.