We told many lies and had all kind of stories. We got really good at it at the end. Keith was told we were going to breakfast with Trav and Nat and he was really upset that he didn't get to eat at his favorite cafe. Then he didn't relax for a whole day worrying about what he was missing and could church and work really go on without him. It was really interesting to watch calm and cool Keith sweat stuff out for so long. In the end he figured everything out and had a great time. I did pack his lap top and he did several hours of work a day, but it made him happy.
Nat knew they would want to watch the U of U game and found a a great sports bar where they had the MOUNTAIN and we could watch it. It was great because they gave us our own room.
Sunday was the game, and as much as I don't love football, it was really a kick. We got there really early and were able to walk all around the stadium, high and low and get a view at everything. We spent extra money to get seats in the lower bowl. We were behind the goal posts, which was a weird angle to view the game, but we got use to it.
Don't worry, we even got to see Alex Smith.
Lots of excitement to get the team on the field. They had a big blow up helmet the team ran through. That was right in front of us, so we got to see them come out.
Here's the happy faces, enjoying their Christmas gifts.
We got really good at taking public transportation. It was a rocky start at first, but kind people helped us. Adam and Jess get the award for figuring out the whole system the best.
That's him in the red warm up suit. Hard job to earn millions of dollars, isn't it.
Addison was the best baby ever. I loved getting to see her everyday and playing and holding her. What a sweet blessing from heaven.
Did you know you can walk down Lombard Street? The boys ran down it with the video cameras. But Nat and I ended up walking down it because the stairs were too hard for the stroller.
This is Addi before our big bike ride. She loved it, and didn't cry too much when Trav took a turn too sharp and dumped her on her head. Good thing she's strapped in.
My favorite day. I loved riding the bikes to the Golden Gate bridge and walking on the beach.
We only ate ate Giradelli twice. Yummy. There was a big air show this weekend and Fisherman's Wharf was so crowded, but fun to watch all the people.
It was a great time. Tuesday night Keith told me he had a great time and it was a great surprise. Do you think he'll be able to top it? Probably not, but it was a great Christmas.
Just remember this on Christmas morning kids. Love you all tons.
I'm so glad that you all went and had a great time! I'm sorry that we were lame and unable to make it to this trip!
It was so fun!!! THANK YOU for everything! We loved it!
Katie, I'm sorry that you couldn't come too! Hopefully everyone will be able to make it to Oregon this summer!
Thank you Mom! This was a great gift! We loved it as well and Jeremy's teacher made him tell the whole class what sweet thing his wife did for him.
Hey neighbor! I had to comment. This blog this is fun when you figure out everyone that has one. Just so you know this is Becky (Cox) Hirschi. I found Kelli's blog of of Jordan (Mitchell) and then found all of yours. It will be fun to keep up on your family. Such cute grandkids. You look like you are enjoying it as much as my mom. By the way the football game look like a blast. I will have to give my mom the idea to take us! Ya right!!
Our blog if you are interested hirschichocolatefix.blogspot.com
I LOVE a good trip! So glad you had a great time even though you had to spend money to watch football. I am glad Keith calmed down and let the church be. Aren't you glad he gives a dam%? I would like more details about the food....specifically dessert. I am my grandmother's eldest (favorite I am sure:) grandchild.
Wow! How fun! Merry Christmas! My parents are giving us their piano for Christmas! Yeah!
Sounds like a great trip. Loved the pictures and the recap
so so much fun. nice work ladies. i am glad you pulled it off successfully.
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