Sunday, May 9, 2010


We had Mother's Day on Friday night. 
The girls made me a beautiful scrapbook of the last year. 
 I'm so grateful for their talents and time, I would never make my own, 
I just don't have the creativity to do it.

That's what I feel when I am around these people.

All the grandbabies together for the first time.
(Sorry Cambree, I know you're squished.)

More JOY
These are my babies that gave me my grandbabies.

They all married fabulous people that help them to grow and become better people.
(They're also really good to me.)

The 2 newest ones: Carson 10 weeks, Cambree 9 days.

Love Carson's eyes in this one.

And the older kiddos using Poppy for a jungle gym.

This man gives me JOY.  He is the best Poppy and his grandkids adore him.

MyKelle being the oldest cousin,
with Cambree

and Carson.

 I am beginning to understand what JOY means through the love of my children.
Since I hate Mother's Day so much, I've decided to turn it into 
"Count Your Many Blessings Day" 
and that makes it a wonderful day.
Wishing you all a great day.  


Mindy and Garry said...

Your grandkids are soooo cute! So lucky...(on both ends!)

christi said...

What cute pictures of your grand kids. I sure love your family.

TravandNat said...

We are LUCKY...aren't we! I love being a part of your family!! Thank you for making me feel so at home, and for loving my Addison to the ends of the earth!

Grandma Cheryl said...

Grandkids = Joy
That's what it's all about.

Marilee said...

You are so lucky to have such beautiful children and grandchildren. Happy late M day

Meghan said...

i like this post. i am glad you find so much joy in the kiddos. they love their jojo. i do wonder, however, why are the big kids holding a sled prop?