Thursday, August 21, 2008

Kelli tagged me in July before this blog was set up. So here I go.

How to play this game of tag:Post these rules on your blog.
List: 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself.
Tag 3 people at the end of your post by leaving their names.

3 Joys:
1. Absolutely my husband and children. Hands down, no questions asked.
2. Jogging on the beach early in the morning.
3. Watching the sunset in Maui. Anything with being on the beach at the Ocean.

3 fears:
1. Losing a child. (Or Grandchild.)
2. Going to jail or prison. (You might ask, 'What are you planning to do?' Nothing, just think that would be so horrible.)
3. Keith leaving me.

3 goals:
1. I'd like to say lose weight, but apparently that's not going to happen anytime soon.
2. Be more thoughtful and attentive to my Dad and Keith's parents.
3. Be a fabulous teacher.

3 current obsessions/collections: (In order of age,)
1. MyKelle
2. Gage
3. Addison
(Grandchildren are the very best thing. Go hug your grandparents. You have no idea how much they love you!)

3 random surprising facts:
1. I only took 8th grade "type" and I'm lousy at keyboarding.
2. My favorite thing I did this summer was to sit on my balcony, eat breakfast, listen to the news and watch the deer "play" in my yard.
3. Not much else - I'm pretty much an open book.

Tagged: Cheryl, Marilee(set at a blog - you blog stalker you), and Adam (don't quit blogging, just suck it up.)


Katie Jo said...

Yea for the tag! Those are so fun to read! By the way Marilee I can help you set up your blog, just like i did for my mom!

TravandNat said...

I love your obsessions..but most of all that you HAD to clarify that they were in order of age. As if we think that you would love one grandchild more than another! Ha!

Love you, JO!

Mindy and Garry said...

I love your blog! It is fun to read about what you've been up to! Good luck this school year!

Meghan said...

YAHOO FOR YOUR BLOG! who knew? cheryl claims she is working on hers as i type. we'll see. the garage looks awesome. if that was all you accomplished this summer you are still in pretty good shape. i look forward to your updates.

Adam And Jessica said...

Freak, you have a blog? oh wait...I set up the "shell" for things thing like 14 years i have to go spend 32 seconds and add another link to my blog....geeeze......Its like you have to spend 83 and a half minutes a day checking everyone's blog. SOOOOO FUN! -ADAM!!!!!!!!

Suz said...

New post please. I have met you and I know you have something to say.